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What is Coroutine in Android?

Coroutines are available for the Kotlin language. Coroutines are simply cooperative functions.   Our Android applications often have multiple concurrent and interdependent functionalities. We provide instructions to the system through code, also known as a program, to perform a set of sequential instructions.  During the execution of these instructions, a specific instruction may take longer than expected, causing the next line of code to wait until the previous line of code has completed its execution. This scenario is known as blocking program execution. To avoid blocking program execution, the code must be executed on a separate thread. A thread is a single sequential flow of control. However, creating and handling multiple threads can be difficult and expensive in terms of OS operations and memory usage. To address this issue, we can use Coroutines in Kotlin. Coroutines are cooperative functions that are executed on threads as needed in a cooperative manner. They help...

Welcome to World of Python!

Hello All,
In this post you are going to know about how to get started with Python. Python is very easy to use and easy to learn programming language. So let's get started with world of python...

First Step is to install on your machine. 
To install python on your machine simply go following link :

As per your machine follow the instruction for installation.

After you have completed installing python on Machine you are ready to go to dive in to world of python.

Before Getting started with hands on with python you should know that with python what you can achieve ? , Answer is here :

  1. Python is used for Rapid Application development. 
  2. With python one can develop websites using frameworks like Django,Pyramid,Flask any more, can do scientific and mathematical computation using different libraries (Orange,SumPy,Numpy,etc.) , 
  3. One can develop desktop GUIs using Pygame,Panda3d and  many more things can be done with python.
  4. Python is popular language for Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. Some popular libraries for these are 
    • Tensorflow
    • Scikit-learn
    • Caffee
    • PyTorch
    • and many more..
  5. Python offers many functionalities that allows you to develop prototype for applications faster
  6. Some other applications are :
    • Audio-Video Based Application
    • Computer Vision
    • Robotics
    • Web Scraping
    • Data Analysis (One of the most popular applications)
Now you have installed python on your machine , open terminal on machine and type python on terminal. You can see like following :

Yo! you have successfully installed and run python on you machine

Now we will see how we can print 'Hello World' in Python.

To print 'Hello World' on screen you have to write : 

print ('hello world!')

and press enter you will see 'Hello World' on Screen.

Hello World in Python

So that's all for this post. You can find further interesting on this page. So state tune for all the interesting stuff about python!!


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